Strengthening Local Capacity: Empowering Stakeholders for Sustainable Impact and Scale

  • Stakeholder Identification & Relationship Building

    We first identify, recruit, and build relationships with potential trainees, and conduct a qualitative needs, motivation and interest assessment

  • Design & Delivery of Training Curriculum

    Based on insights from the discovery phase and in close collaboration with potential partners, we design and validate a comprehensive training curriculum using adult learning principles.

    To reduce the lag between learning and implementation, we ensure the incorporation of application based learning methodologies strenghtened through technology-assisted reinforcement for trainees

  • Integration & Ongoing Support

    Post-training, we work on integrating stakeholders into a robust network of local rehabilitation and restoration leaders, fostering collaboration and sharing best practices.

    We integrate into capacity building programs mechanisms for reinforcement through refresher training via periodic seminars and remote troubleshooting support

Work with us- to empower and inspire communities and their champions

Foster inclusivity and accountability